Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Political Assets and Liabilities

The 13th General Election is around the corner. Or so everyone says. Who will win? BN supporters will say BN and Pakatan supporters will say PR, obviously. My 2 cents is probably irrelevant but I won’t be surprised if I’m not the only one with the following views.

Azmin Ali is a liability to PKR and PR. He was an UMNO man who grew up in the UMNO culture. He has skeletons; UMNO knows him and can use that knowledge against him.

Wan Azizah, Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh should resign from their posts and become ordinary members. Contribution can come from anywhere in the party, you don’t need a position to be heard.

Chua Soi Lek and MCA should stop accusing PKR and DAP of nepotism. Anyone knows who Chua Tee Yong is and what he is?

Shahrizat will bring down Wanita UMNO and maybe UMNO if she stays on as Wanita chief. She is a sitting duck.

Ummi Halfida, Anuar Shaari, Zul Noordin, Hassan Ali, Zahrain Hashim, Nallakaruppan, Ibrahim Ali and PERKASA are doing more harm than good. Malays are more enlightened, we are smarter than we were 50 years ago. Stop bullshitting us.

PKR can boast of fresh faces with brains in Rafizi Ramli, Nik Nazmi and Lim Tze Szin. DAP has Hannah Yeoh, Tony Pua and Teo Nie Ching. UMNO, MCA and MIC have nobody of similar calibre.

I read somewhere on the web on how to spot an UMNO man -  he wears linen shirts, smokes a cigar, drives an SUV and has no regular job!


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