Monday, July 26, 2010

PERKASA is going to be SO PISSED

SHAH ALAM, July 26 – PJ Utara MP Tony Pua urged the Selangor government today to slash Bumiputera discounts for luxury homes and commercial property in the state, to improve competitiveness and restore investor confidence.
“Sacred cows need to be slaughtered,” said the chief economist for the DAP. However, Pua said the seven per cent discounts enjoyed by Malays and other Bumiputeras should be retained for homes below RM500,000.
“I am not against affirmative action but not for homes that cost RM1 million or RM2 million,” said Pua.

I’m risking being perkosa-ed by Perkasa but I, a Malay by birth and by constitutional definition, totally agree with Mr Pua.

If a Malay can afford a house costing a few million Ringgit, he/she does not need government assistance. If a Malay can afford luxury condominiums costing a few hundred Ringgit per square feet, he/she doesn’t deserve an NEP imposed Bumi discount.

If the rich Malays continue to demand for Bumi discounts on their million dollar properties, I’m sorry to say these are the “muka tak malu” type of people.

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