Monday, July 26, 2010

Anyone Seen the Devil?

Recently there was a “fashion advisory” issued by some concerned Muslim citizens, advising Muslims not wear football jerseys with crosses and images of the devil printed on them. I have no objections with the "ban" on crosses (for Muslims) but to quote Art Harun, has anyone seen the devil and confirmed that the image on MU’s crest is that of the devil?

The reminder/advice is very timely and appropriate. I for one would not condone wearing football jerseys with crosses on the emblems/crest.

It sad to read some comments (in Malaysian Insider) by some people suggesting that Chevrolets be banned because it may lead the driver and passengers to church just because it has a cross looking emblem. Or to sarcastically suggest t-junctions be banned because it resembles a cross and hence un-Islamic for an Islamic country. Such comments are not called for. It reflects bigotry on the part of the commentators (who incidentally claim to be open minded and fair). They may be trying their skill at satire and if that is the case, it’s definitely a case of bad taste.

It is sad that some people choose to over react over the statement/reminder by the concerned citizens. What they meant when they said Muslims should avoid wearing jerseys with crosses is merely to remind the Muslims that they should not be proud to display the symbols of other religions on their dress. Wearing a t-shirt with a picture of a cross is the same as wearing a pendant the shape of a cross. If the latter is shunned by Muslims, why not the former?

The reminder not to wear clothes with such images was merely a reminder and it was never a decree, the muftis did not announce a fatawa on the matter. So why the hoo ha?

In anycase, would a Christian priest just stand by and watch his fellow brothers proudly wearing a t-shirt with the picture of the Kaabah on it?

As for the MU jerseys, the jury should still be out on it, until someone confirms that the thing on its emblem is actually the devil …

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