Friday, July 30, 2010

Did Malaysia have a Chinese PM?

I’m of the opinion that we did. Back in 1988. When the courts dissolved the old UMNO in early 1988, our country effectively had no Prime Minister. All the UMNO Member of Parliaments became independent MPs. They were not even members of Barisan Nasional. The most senior leader was non other than Dato Dr Ling Liong Sik who was the president of the party with the most seats in the Dewan Rakyat. I read somewhere that he chaired the subsequent cabinet meeting which was not attended by any Malay minister [citation needed]. Our beloved Malaysia was for a short while ruled by a Chinese. Regardless what the constitution said, Malaysia once allowed a Chinese to be (acting) PM.

Yesterday the former (acting) PM was charged under Section 418 of the Penal Code with an alternative charge under Section 417.

According to the penal code, Section 418 concerns “Cheating with knowledge that wrongful loss may be thereby caused to a person whose interest the offender is bound to protect” while Section 417 concerns “Punishment for cheating.”

Most observers are not optimistic on the outcome of the trial. Some will remind us of how Tan Sri Kasitah Gadam got off.

In another news, a bunch of yobs were let off lightly after found guilty of acts which could incite racial and religious tension. Four of those charged were discharged not amounting to an acquittal. They are free to go step on cow heads but another guy has to wait a bit longer before he can go back to stepping on cow heads because he has to serve one week in jail for stepping on that cow’s head last Ramadhan. He (his name is Eyzva Ezhar Ramly) will however only assume the one week sentence in August as he is currently in jail on another offence, rumoured to be drug related. He got his picture posted in the front pages of the local newspapers, smiling and all. I bet he is proud of his act. I just hope his parents are not.

On a similar but different note, a young DPP was dropped from the prosecuting team after allegations of her being intimate with the star witness surfaced. My question is, how could anyone fall for a guy who claims to have been sodomised and subsequently did not wash his anus for two days to preserve the evidence? I guess love is blind.

Whatever it is, let’s enjoy the show.


  1. errmmm... did u really did a study on all these?? :O i am speechless...
