Wednesday, July 28, 2010

M United

For the purposes of this posting, MU shall refer to Malays United.

I have been accused of being anti-Malay, tak mengenang budi, traitor of the Malay cause etc. This posting would probably strengthen those accusations.

Regular followers of this blog and my close friends would know that I think PERKASA is full of s*@!.

Now I’m going to tell everyone that the proposal for UMNO and PAS to work together for the sake of Malay unity is ludicrous and nonsensical.

I’m not against Malay unity. In fact I’m for Malay unity.

My version of Malay unity should not be based on political affiliation. If UMNO and PAS forge a relationship to foster Malay unity, what about the Malays in PKR, DAP, PSM etc.? The objective of uniting the Malays would not be achieved unless all Malays are involved, including those in PKR, DAP and PSM.

My second point is PAS is not a champion of the Malays. If anyone had not noticed, PAS is an Islamist party. It strives to promote Islamic ideals regardless of race. Annuar Tan an Idham Lim are PAS wakil rakyats. They are Muslims but they are not Malays. Well, not born Malays but are now de-facto Malays by constitutional definition. But the fact remains that they are genetically, biologically not Malays. So by allowing them to run as party candidates, PAS is affirming that they are an Islamic party first and Malay party (if at all) second.

Thirdly, what is Malay unity? Are we so shallow that Malay unity is to be equated with political unity? Can’t Malays have the freedom of thought and political belief? I may be a socialist but that does not stop me from being united with my capitalist Malay brothers (and sisters).

Another point is why does the UMNO-PAS unity talks only comes up at times when UMNO is weak and most vulnerable? The last time we heard talks about uniting Malay via the political route was back in 2000 but why were there no unity talks after BN’s (read UMNO’s) landslide victory in the 2004 elections?

Maybe some people refuse to accept the fact that Malays are united. The only thing we have to do is respect each other’s views and political ideologies.

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