Monday, June 1, 2009

The Toll-gate Dilemma

Almost all the highways in Malaysia are privately owned. Projek Lebuhraya Utara Selatan (PLUS) owns the most highways (NSE, NKVE, FHR2, Elite, SPDH, BKE, Linkedua), other owners include Litrak (LDP); Prolintas (AKLEH, GCE); MTD (Karak, ECE); IJM (Lekas, Besraya, NPE); Kesturi (DUKE); SDE Holdings (SPGDE) and Silk Holdings (SILK)

Road users pay to use the highway and in return we expect a pleasant journey on well maintained roads, safe and clean rest facilities with decent and reasonably priced food outlets and rapid emergency response. I have little or no complaints on the services, they have been quite satisfactory.

However, I feel that all the highway operators should consider discriminatory pricing. No, I’m NOT suggesting that Bumiputeras get a 30% discount. I would suggest that discounts be given to users during peak periods. This is because we pay for convenience and during peak periods (school breaks, public holidays, Aidil Fitri, CNY, weekday mornings and evenings) we get very inconvenienced when on the highway. There is a long queue to use the toilet; you are unable to get parking at rest areas, driving faster than 60km/h is impossible due to the heavy traffic and worst of all is the queue to pay toll which can stretch for kilometres.

So, given all that, why can’t those bunch listed in the first para give us poor road users 50-60% discount during the peak periods, after all the traffic volume will surely compensate for the reduced price.

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