Wednesday, June 24, 2009

English for Maths and Science

The Education Minister admitted that teaching maths and science in English has not improved the performance of the students in those subjects since the policy was implemented in 2003.

So, how now brown cow? Do we continue with the policy or revert to Bahasa Malaysia? IMHO, we should examine a few issues before we decide which language to choose.

The teachers
Do we have enough teachers proficient in scientific and mathematical English to effectively teach those subjects in English? I’m saying scientific and mathematical English because I feel the English used for those subjects tend to be technical in nature, it’s not the same as the English taught in your English literature class.

In what language were the teachers trained? If they were taught in English while at college or university, it would be unfair to make teach in Malay, vice versa. They would have to practically re-learn the subjects.

The students
Are the students proficient enough in English? Technical terms can be introduced and explained but if they have a poor command of English, how can we expect them to fully grasp the subject. They may not even understand the instructions let alone the teacher’s explanations.

So, how now brown cow?

Maybe what we should do is get the trainers properly trained. Make sure the teachers are able and capable of effectively delivering the subject in English. I’m sure we have many such teachers around but I’m also sure the numbers are quite small. Give a time frame, say five years for the teachers achieve competency. In the meantime, teach the subjects in English only in schools whose teachers (and students) are qualified to teach (and learn) in English. Gradually the number will increase and it will be done without putting anyone at a disadvantage. No, doubt two languages will be used to teach the subjects for at least the first ten years but eventually we will almost certainly get the desired result.

At the same time, the lower primary school students need to be given extra lessons (by qualified teachers) in English, especially those in the less urban areas where the command of English tend to be weaker.

I first studied economics in college and it was taught in English, I went on to study economics in an English university and my post graduate economics lectures were also delivered in English. I have never read a Malay economics text book. I was an economics lecturer for a brief period and I taught my students in English. I would have a tough time if was asked to teach economics in Malay, it would not be fair to my students. It would probably make them dumb and dumber.

Having said that, learning should be in any language, the idea is to obtain knowledge, what language is used to obtain the knowledge is of little relevance.

Learning English will not kill Bahasa Malaysia. Indiscriminately adopting English words into Bahasa Malaysia WILL kill the language.

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