Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Malay Dilemma?

Another one from the “dilemma” series!

It is often lamented (maybe not so publicly) that non-Malays have no chance whatsoever to head a Government Linked Company (GLC). This is often blamed on the NEP which is not entirely accurate because if not for the affirmative action, there won’t be that many GLCs in the first place, the large corporations would probably still be owned by the British.

Anyway, back to the dilemma, it is true that all of the CEOs of the GLCs are Malays/Bumiputeras and it is also true that their position is attributed to the NEP (and its successors), via institutions such as PNB, EPF, Khazanah, MoF Inc. which acts as drivers of the policy. While it is true and beyond argument that Malays/Bumiputeras are the only types that head the GLCs it is also true that no Malays/Bumiputeras are heading the other equally large and diversified corporations which does not fall under the GLC ambit such as YTL, KLK, SP Setia, Hong Leong, IOI, Rimbunan Hijau, Lion, Berjaya, Tan Chong etc.

So, this lack of “opportunities” for the different races occurs on both sides of the fence, the GLCs and so called non-GLCs and therefore no one should be complaining. I however feel the choice of corporate leadership should not be based on ethnicity but instead on quality. Trust me, quality Malay/Bumiputera managers and leaders do exist and some are where they are not so much because of skin colour but also based on merit.

All we need is trust and respect for each other. Being of different race, religion or even political belief should not be a basis for distrust. Let’s be trusting of each other and rid ourselves of the unnecessary prejudices. Maybe then we can move forward to greater heights.

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