Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I enjoyed this interesting article by James Chin (JC) in The Malaysian Insider; it really shows that we are full of contradictions, some to the point of absurdity.

Irony 1 according to JC – We are told communism is bad, they are evil, their past leaders cannot set foot in our country BUT our leaders visit the largest communist country in the world, forging political and business alliances with them … irony?

Irony 2 – Some quarters are against teaching certain subjects in English but upon closer inspection these people who objects to teaching in English were themselves educated in English, graduating from English medium institutions in English speaking countries.
To make the irony even more ironic, UiTM which is exclusively for Bumiputeras teaches in English while UKM, which is open to all races (subject to a quota of course), teaches in Malay.

The truth they say is stranger than fiction but the observations made by James Chin is a fact, a sad fact.

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