Friday, June 26, 2009

The Maid Dilemma

The Star, 26 June 2009, 7.58am
Jakarta stops export of maids immediately

JAKARTA: Indonesia has ordered employment agencies to stop sending its citizens to Malaysia to work as maids. Indonesian Manpower Minister Erman Suparno said the decision – effective today – would remain in place until safeguards are implemented in Malaysia.

We should sympathise with their plight. Some are treated so badly, even worse than animals.

But before we go all out to demonise and crucify Malaysian employers, let’s flip the coin and look on the other side.

What about the cases of abuse towards defenseless children and the old and infirm? I saw one video clip of a maid repeatedly kicking and stepping on a little girl.
There were reported cases of maid urinating in the employers’ food.
What about those who bring home their boyfriends? Some even got pregnant.
What about those maids who bring diseases (this is despite getting health clearance from Indonesian doctors).
They congregate and gossip instead of looking after the children at the playground.
There are maids who watches more TV than doing housework
Some don’t even know how to use simple electrical equipments (this is despite being “trained” in Indonesia).
What about the runaway maids?
What about the maid who runs away after stealing (robbing) from their employers?

The Indonesian authorities may not believe this, but there are maids who get to travel with their employers, visit interesting places, some overseas and stay in decent hotels.
There are maids who regularly gets presents and gifts, including (designer) hand me downs.
Some even get TV in their rooms.

The longer the ban, the better for us. We will survive, we’ll find alternative solution to the problem, worse comes to worse; one spouse will stop working and become the household manager. In adversity we’ll prevail.

I wonder why the Indonesian authorities are not banning the export of Indonesian criminals as well. We seem to have too many of them here.

1 comment:

  1. nombor empat (mah)July 5, 2009 at 10:51 PM

    hahaha.. the last bit got me laughing... stereotyping, oi... hahaha funny tho..

    funny you wrote this coz that is what i think too.. had an australian friend ask me about the alleged abuse by employers towards their maids, and i did present my opinion the way you have..

    oh well, honestly, spending time with your children is really is not that bad... why do we have them in the first place just for the maids to jaga 24hours? and housework, as long as there is no maggots growing celah2 lantai and other places, and the clothes dont smell that bad, it is clean enough.. hehehe, that is my tip

    good night
