Monday, August 23, 2010

Destruction ... (updated)

... of the Malay race is what PERKASA & MPM seems to be working on. 

Utusan Malaysia may portray people like Ibrahim Ali, Zubir Harun, Hasan Mad as 'pejuang bangsa' who will put their lives on the line for the Malay race, but in my opinion, these are the people who will lead the Malays back to the dark ages...

I've written about this before here and here and in many other postings and lest anyone forgets, let me reiterate my stand - xenophobic Perkasa and those 'sewaktu dengannya' will eventually lead this country into anarchy. 

Why do I say that? Consider their latest demand - charge Chua Soi Lek under the ISA because he suggested that the 30% Bumiputera equity policy be abolished (in stages). I am for Chua's suggestion, not because I'm an MCA lackey or Chinese sympathizer but because I want the Malays to stop being beggars. What is so wrong with a merit based and a needs based system? Our long serving former PM once called on the Malays to get rid of their crutches, be independent bla bla bla but now he's part of the Perkasa circus, demanding that Malays be protected till eternity. 

When Nazir Razak (whose father came up with the NEP) said that the NEP has been 'bastardised', abused and failed to meet its objectives, Perkasa came out with all goons blazing to condemn him, accusing him of talking nonsense. 

That ustaz who thinks he's a Malay is also acting like a Perkasa warrior, telling the Chinese who are not happy with the pro Malay policies to leave the country. Maybe someone should remind Riduan Tee that he is not a true Malay, he's merely a Malay by constitutional definition. The good ustaz was born a Chinese and he'll die a Chinese, albeit a Muslim one.

What is Perkasa's real agenda? DPM Bin Yassin seems to be supportive of their actions. PM Bin Razak doesn't seem to have any guts to state his stand. No matter how seditious their words or actions are, the men of Perkasa will never be hauled up to explain themselves, they are free to speak as they wish without a care. 

Everytime a non-Malay comes up with an opinion or suggestion, Perkasa will immediately make a police report and demand the person be sent to Kamunting. 
Perkasa is so insecure and paranoid, everything said by a non-Malay is perceived to be a threat. Even a Christian event in Shah Alam spooked them. 
Perkasa is so lazy, it wants to be given projects, land, money, university places, jobs, rights to import luxury cars; all for free, without having to work for it, just by virtue of being Malays. 

Whenever it is suggested that maybe the Malays should put in some effort to earn their keep, Perkasa and it's ilk will jump and say don't dare challenge the Malay rights. Apparently, Perkasa is content on letting the Malays be lazy and sit around waiting for handouts.

Perkasa is in the same boat as Nick Griffin of the BNP, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and a certain A Hitler of Germany. These people believed in racial supremacy, chasing those disagrreing with them away. In the end, their own countrymen are the ones who suffer. 

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