Monday, March 8, 2010

Living in Dangerous Times

Criminals don’t make the country unsafe. Stupid Politicians do.

Consider these statements:

Malay Nationalist Group Perkasa, lead by Ibrahim Ali warns that the Chinese community will use the next general election to take over the country. This prediction was made by an idiot by the name Dr. Zubir Harun and the “good” doctor is also worried that the New Economic model will have a Chinese agenda.

Second finance Minister Ahmad Husni apparently said at a function in Penang that if the Chinese bully us, we will fight them back.

Anuar Shaari told 100 or so supporters at an UMNO Youth gathering in Wangsa Maju that “how can the Malays be equal to Chinese”. This Anuar Shaari guy even admitted that they are going all out to smear Anwar Ibrahim and PR.

At the rate the UMNO politicians are going, they will destroy Malaysia in no time.

Stop them before they do.

1 comment:

  1. and how to stop them? :O i think you can add one more box to tick under reactions...'scary'
