Sunday, August 22, 2010

Spirit of Ramadhan (18SX - reader beware)

Ramadhan is here again and the annual ibadah time is here again.

But is that all what Ramadhan is all about? The annual ibadah month? Shouldn’t ibadah be a 12 month a year affair instead of 1/12?

Some people get so self righteous when Ramadhan comes. This very same people who before Ramadhan was holidaying and sleeping with their unmarried partners, showering together, walking around naked in the presence of each other and having sexual intercourse with each other.

When Ramadhan comes, these people become instant saints, even to the point of reminding others not to sin.  How can someone who holds hands with their unmarried partners while walking back from Terawih prayers advise others on what is sinful and what is not?

I’m not pious nor is piety my middle name and therefore I shall not advise others before I am able to advise myself.

So, in the spirit of Ramdhan (and Syawal); I seek forgiveness for my words, actions and thoughts. Maaf zahir batin.

Then again, shouldn’t forgiveness be a continuous process and not a once a year affair?

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