Friday, June 18, 2010

Micasa Sucasa

That’s Spanish for my house your house.

My house is a very nice house; it has a few bedrooms and bathrooms, an area to receive guests and another area to dine. It also has a kitchen! It cost some hundred thousand Ringgit and hopefully one day it will be worth six figures.

I heard they are building a house costing RM800 million. It comes with a dedicated flyover costing RM130 million. I also heard that initially the house only needed RM450 million to build but after further negotiations with the contractor, the figure ballooned to RM 800 million.

I’m quite disappointed with the revelations. I’m now actually paying for two houses, my house and that house. My employer takes a part of my salary and pays to Lembaga Hasil every month but every March, the e-filing system tells me I owe the Lembaga more money so I pay more money to the Lembaga. I’m sure some of the money I paid to the Lembaga goes towards building that house.

That house will be empty most of the time because the occupants have another house in another town in another state. A new family moves in every five years into the house.  

But wait … there is already a nice house. I used to go eat ikan bakar behind that house. It’s a nice house, I heard there is even a 6 hole golf course within the 28 acre compound.

AND there is another house in Putrajaya. Both the houses are in excellent condition, maintained by a team of PWD directors. So, why the need for another house?

I have no qualms about paying my hard earned money to the Lembaga but please use it wisely. Building live-able houses for the poor would be a good idea.

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