Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Free Zone

Riddle – what is Free but yet cost RM12billion?

Bernama (the national news agency) reported that newly appointed Transport Minister YB Dato’ Seri Kong Cho Ha said there is NO NEED for further investigation into the PKFZ scandal. Kong says the previous investigation into the issue was sufficient thus further investigation into it was not necessary. He also said he would take time to study the issue to understand all about the scandal.

The minister's exact words (as quoted by Bernama was “I think (we have) enough of the investigation, enough of all the study. All had been done on this issue so I don’t think there is any need for further re-look into it”.

Sam asks;
  • If there is no need for further investigation does that mean those responsible have been identified and will be brought to book?
  • The Hon. Minister admitted he needs time to study and understand the issue but how can he study and understand if he does not investigate? Is he saying he’ll rely on the existing already available reports?
  • If the minister admits to not understanding the issues involved, how could he justify stopping further probe on something he himself doesn’t understand?
  • What happened to Dato Wira Chor Chee Heung?
Alor Setar MP and former PKA Chairman Dato Wira (warrior?) Chor Chee Heung was elevated to a full minister last week. In July last year, Dato’ Chor was summoned to appear before Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) which was probing the PKFZ project which was initially estimated to cost RM1.96 billion but ended up costing RM12.45 billion. The PwC report mentioned that there could have possibly been a conflict of interest, since Chor was both non-executive deputy chairman of Wijaya Baru Global Bhd (WBGB) and chairman of PKA. WBGB is linked to PKFZ’s main developer Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd (KDSB). [source: here].

The most important question is – how do we get back the billions wasted on the project?

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