Monday, February 22, 2010

Pro UMNO Media – A Danger to the Ummah

Is the title too strong? Too rude? Inviting Kamunting residency? Asking for a death by C4?

Frankly, I don’t care.


I just found out that the UMNO run states of Johor, Perlis and Pahang won’t be organising any Maulidul Rasul procession this Friday. Strangely I didn’t hear of Utusan criticising the 3 MBs for being anti-Islam, and insensitive toward Muslim sensitivities for not organising the parade.

Lim Guan Eng on the other hand was branded a chauvinist, racist bigot for no reason. Apparently the “no-parade for Maulidul Rasul in Penang” was merely a suggestion and Penang will be having a procession lead by DCM1 Mansor. Various programmes are planned for the day including prayers and Quranic recitals (a 3 day event) and an expo on Islamic civilisation.

CM Lim even invited DPM Muhyiddin and ex-PM Pak Lah to join in the procession!

It seems that Penang didn’t organise any Maulidur Rasul processions in 2003, 04 and 05. Was Koh Tsu Koon labelled a racist SOB then? Did UMNO protest and filled pages in the Utusan condemning the BN-Gerakan CM for insulting Islam by not having a Maulidul Rasul parade?

Come on la guys, play fair. If you call Penag’s Lim a narrow minded Singapore imitator for “not” having a Maulidul Rasul procession; wouldn’t Johor’s Ghani, Pahang’s Adnan and Perlis’ Isa fall under the same category?

Pakciks and makciks in remote Terengganu or Perak will believe whatever Utusan say and will view Lim Guan Eng as a racist, anti Muslim extremist. They will believe Nik Aziz would do anything to please the Chinese and is a DAP sympathiser. But is that the true picture? Or is that what UMNO wants the rakyat to believe so they can eliminate their opponents?

I beg UMNO please stop digging your own grave. Your time and resources are better used to raise the living standards of the Malays; the race you claim to represent.

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