Thursday, February 18, 2010

Out of Ideas

UMNO politicians are really desperate. They are going all out to destroy the PR to the point that they are making a fool out of themselves. UMNO leaders accuse Lim Guan Eng of being anti-Islam by cancelling the Maulidul Rasul procession. Nik Aziz too decided not to have any procession this year. Is he anti-Islam too?

In Mekah and Madinah, the Prophet’s place of birth and final resting place, there is no annual procession to mark his birthday. It is not wrong to have a procession to honour his birthday but it should be made into something mandatory. Instead of spending money on the procession why not use the resources for something more beneficial like funding orphanages or helping the poor.

Everything the opposition does and say is viewed by UMNO as being anti-Islam and anti-Malay. Why can’t UMNO focus on making this country a better place to live in, rid this country of corruption, wastage of public funds, bad roads, lousy politicians…

A group of Indian Muslims burnt Lim Guan Eng’s effigy in protest of his unfair treatment of the Malay traders in Penang. I see this as a good sign that the racial relations in Penang have improved – an Indian group protesting against the bad treatment of Malays! And yes, UMNO is a multiracial party; it admits Indians as well as scores of Sabah Bumiputeras into their fold, as long as they are Muslims. Maybe UMNO wants so much to be like PAS …

I want to support UMNO, but so far they haven’t given me any good reason to.

p/s I heard the new Scorpene submarine Najib and Razak Baginda bought cannot go underwater due to some technical problems … a reporter termed it as “kapal selam yang tak boleh menyelam”


  1. at first, i thot you were writing that you are running out of ideas! :D hehehe :D

  2. Actually I was kind of out of ideas for a while, coupled with the workload hence the lack of postings ...

  3. i can see that :D :P

    well anyway, to blog, memang kena ikut mood pun... otherwise the fingers just wont move.. :O :P
