Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Perhaps We Need a Drastic Change (updated)

I haven’t written anything political for a while not because there is nothing to write but because it’s so nauseating to read and write about Malaysian politics at the moment.

Last week, the courts decided that BN is the rightful government in Perak and Zambry is the rightful MB. PR decided they won’t fight anymore and announced that they will work with the BN government in implementing projects beneficial to the rakyat. Being the opposition, they will definitely oppose a lot of government initiatives, that’s their job and that’s what they do best – oppose, but it is also heartening to hear that they will support any initiative which is good for the rakyat.

The opposition in Kelantan however, seem to prefer to oppose as opposed to helping the rakyat. I mean, who in their right frame of mind would reject 5% of a lot of Ringgit in return for a measly RM20million compassionate payment? The Kelantan BN-UMNO opposition, lead by Federal Minister Mustapha is going all out to deny Kelantan (and her rakyat) of their rightful oil royalty. Doesn’t make sense at all. Or is there a hidden agenda? Jeng-jeng-jeng …

Ku Li tries to defend Kelantan’s right to the oil royalties. Some quarters accuse him of defending the decision to deny Terengganu of their oil royalty in 2000 but in actual fact he was against the wang ehsan and even offered himself to be a witness in Terengganu's lawsuit against the Federal government.

Actually, oil royalties was not what I intended to write about. I want to talk about change, drastic changes.

The changes I would like to see are;

  • Anwar Ibrahim taking an indefinite break (retire perhaps?) from front-line politics to clear his court case.
  • Ku Li to quit UMNO and head the current opposition.
  • PKR to elect a President, Deputy, VP, Secretary, Youth Head, Treasurer who was never linked to UMNO/MCA/MIC.
There is a saying (Chinese, I think), if the fish head is rotten, the whole fish will rot (please don’t confuse this with the Saxo-Ukrainian saying – if the fish is head is rotten, don’t make curry). In other words, the head i.e. the leaders cannot be allowed to be a liability. If the leader becomes a liability, kick him/her out ASAP.

Maybe what this country needs to overhaul is the politicians and not the political system.

1 comment:

  1. the chicken may be blind, but the curry still taste good.
