Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Terrorist Labelling

Terrorist [ter-er-ist]
(1) a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism
(2) a person who terrorises or frightens others.

If the western media is to be believed, all terrorists are Muslims. Every time a Muslim commits a criminal act, the headlines will read “Muslim terrorist”, “Muslim murderer”, “Muslim rapist” but when a non-Muslim commits the very same crime, the headline only states terrorist, murderer, rapist, without highlighting the offenders’ religion. Why the double standards?


  1. I agree. Have you noticed its the same with Blacks too? When a caucasian or whites commit a crime, it's not White male but when a black commits a crime, the word black will be reiterated? Our local media was doing that in the past and now I dont see any ethnic identity tagged to the crime related headlines anymore.

  2. My sentiments exactly... what frustrates me is those athiest, who says bad things about 'organised religions' like Islam and others, I would so LOVE to see the word athiest before the words murderers, robbers, drug addicts, drunkards etc, because there are so many of them out there and if they are going to be so specific about people with religions, they shouls be specific about those athiests as well..
