Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Please Arrest These Men

Ahmad Mahayuddin Abdul Manaf and Ibrahim Sabri should be arrested for inciting racial hatred. If there is a racial riot, the blame is squarely on the heads of these moronic idiots and their cahoots. The leaders of the cow-head protestors, in front of the district police HQ in Shah Alam, courted more controversy by saying non-Malays are second class citizens.

These morons allegedly said and did the following:
1. Ahmad Mahayuddin Abd Manaf said - It’s proven historically that this is Tanah Melayu others are categorised as second class citizens.
2. Ahmad Mahayuddin Abd Manaf said - Many Malays were disadvantaged while the economy was dominated by the Chinese and Indians.
3. Ibrahim Sabri called on the Government to arrest Kulasegaran under the Internal Security Act (ISA) and to revoke his citizenship for questioning the constitution. By questioning Malays supremacy, he is questioning the Sultan’s supremacy because he is the head of Islam, the idiot added.
4. “Issues involving Malay sentiments should not be played with,” said Mahayuddin who in the same breath said they accepted 1 Malaysia, and are tolerant of other races.
5. Upon leaving the court complex they kicked and stepped upon a banner with the pictures of DAP leaders stuck on cows.

I am a Malay, biologically as well as constitutionally. Before these idiots cause more damage to my race, I would like to highlight a few issues. (The numbering is cross referred to the previous para).

1. He is merely parroting Dr M. Tanah Melayu is just a name given in the 19th century by the British to a group of Malay ruled states in the peninsular.
In 2nd century AD, Ptolemy, a Greek-speaking geographer, astronomer, and astrologer referred to the peninsular we live in as the Golden Chersonese.
In 10th century AD, this land was called Barr Kra. Barr mean ‘land’ in Persian
However, in the earliest Arab map of the region, the peninsular is referred to as Barr Chin, whereby Chin refers to China. In other words, the peninsular was originally known as Tanah Cina.
During the Melaka Sultanate, the peninsular was called Semenanjung Melaka.

2. Sour grapes. The Chinese are well off because they work hard. Anyone who works hard will be well off. So stop whining and start working.
Indians dominating the economy? I’m sure Hindraf and MIC will disagree with you.

3. Notice that he said “By questioning Malay supremacy, he (Kulasegaran) is questioning the Sultan’s supremacy because he is the head of Islam”. Which is which now? Malay or Islam? Historically, Malays were not Muslims. Malays have been living in this region for thousands of years but Islam only came 700 years ago. Before the Sultans of Melaka went round conquering Barr Chin, most of the Malays living in the land were Hindus. Parameswara the first Sultan of Melaka (he’s a Malay from Sumatera) was born a Hindu.
What’s this with Malay supremacy? Sounds like something Hitler would say (Aryan Supremacy). No race is superior to others. If Malays are so superior how come we are so disadvantaged (refer to #2 above)? If you want to be superior, work hard for it.

4. What Malay sentiments? We're cool, you guys are the ones "melatah"! If you tolerate other races, you wouldn’t have done what you did or say what you said.

5. When the Perak DAP guys stepped on the pictures of the 3 frogs, it included the picture of the DAP frog as well, a Chinese, so that was not an anti-Malay or a Malay-insulting incident, it was just a show of disgust. So Mahayuddin and Ibrahim better grow up and start living in the real world.

Mahayuddin and Ibrahim may not realise this but the Babas and the Portuguese in Melaka have been living in the peninsular much longer than the Malay immigrants from Jawa, Sumatera, and Sulawesi who came in the 16th century. So, who are more original then?

There have been 3 significant studies on the origin of the Malays;
1. The Yunnan theory, Mekong river migration (published 1889)
2. The New Guinea theory (published 1965)
3. The Taiwan theory (published 1997)
Two of the studies seem to point to China being the original land of the Malays. So, we are probably all Chinese.

Please arrest Mahayuddin and Ibrahim and charge them for being seditious assholes.

1 comment:

  1. thumbs up! yeupp... to those out there.. stop whining and work hard... only those who works hard will achieve success and stay successful! and stop blaming on others as well.
