Wednesday, March 4, 2009

IBF #07 - Someone’s Afraid of Shariah Based Finance

I stumbled upon this very spiteful, malicious, bitter, and dangerous website –

The objective of the website is to inform the public about the possible civil and criminal liabilities and risks of Shariah Compliant Finance, and the threats to human rights of Shariah Law.

Going through the articles in the website, it is obvious that the promoters are trying to discredit Shariah based finance (SBF) to the extent of linking it with terrorism and human rights abuses.

I have to disagree with the website as I don’t see any civil nor criminal liability arising from SBF not because I am a practitioner but because the system is based on the principles of just and equity. I also will add that in no way is Shariah Law a threat to human rights.

According to the promoters of this website, Centre for Security Policy (CSP) (the blog is headed by one Allyson Taylor) we face challenging times, as many European and U.S. government agencies are planning in 2009 to establish Shariah Compliant Finance as a standard in the newly nationalized financial institutions resulting from the financial crises of 2008.

Do they really understand what Shariah based finance is? These insecure Zionists, in their attempt to consolidate their control of the world, will go to great lengths to discredit and destroy those standing in their way.

Islam should not be equated with terrorism even if some of the terrorists claim to be Muslims and fighting for the Islamic cause. I wonder why Christianity was never associated with the Christian terrorists of the IRA and the ETA (Basque separatists). I wonder who the financiers of these terrorist groups are. What about government sponsored terrorism like bombing of schools and hospitals by the IDF (Israel Defence Forces)?

CSP claims that SBF is not transparent especially when it comes to Zakat and investment purification. The Zionists fear that the Zakat funds are being used to support terrorist activities. Do they have proof for this? Instead of just listing down and manipulating articles to justify their claims, why can’t they (CSP) provide evidence of the money trail from the Islamic banks to the terrorists’ bank accounts.

This shows that their concern about SBF is brought about their insecurities. I’ll bet you if the Zakat funds are used to finance IDF nuclear weaponry or the mass murders of Muslim Bosnians, the CSP will be a staunch supporter of SBF.

The core principle of SBF is just and equity. That is why usury, speculation, uncertain contract terms are abhorred and the sharing of risk and rewards, transparency is promoted. True Shariah based financing does not condone injustice.

SBF is just a way of doing business and it so happens that it follows the principles laid down by the Quran and Hadith. The shariahfinancewatch website has got nothing to do with SBF or business – it is all about destroying everything connected to Islam in order to further the Zionist cause and their supremacy ambitions.

Abu Hamzah Anas bin Malik, radiyallahu 'anhu, who was the servant of the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, reported that the Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, said: "None of you truly believes (in Allah and in His religion) until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself" (Al-Bukhari & Muslim)

“Violence begets violence”
"Do not do to others what would anger you if done to you by others." (Isocrates)
"Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you" (Analects 15:23)
"And what you hate, do not do to any one." (Tobit 4:15)
"...thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."(Leviticus 19:18)

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