Friday, March 27, 2009

Earth Hour

Switching off the lights for one hour is purely symbolic; it will not achieve anything else. If we are interested to save mother earth maybe we should do more than just switching off the lights for one hour a year.

For example, we can;

  • Stop using plastic bags; bring our own containers and bags when we go to the market or shopping;
  • Recycle ablution water – thousands of gallons are used everyday, more so on Fridays, the water is quite pure maybe less than 10% soiled, so why can’t we channel all this water to a treatment plant and recycle. I’m sure it won’t be that difficult, if other people can recycle toilet water,* recycling ablution water should be kid’s stuff.
  • Use solar energy;
    Design environmental friendly towns where everything, markets, schools, public amenities etc are within walking and cycling distance;
  • Use natural gas instead of petrol or diesel to power vehicles;
  • Plant more trees; and
  • Allocate more funding into recycling technology research and development.

* Singapore’s NewWater – treated wastewater (sewage) that has been purified using dual-membrane (via microfiltration and reverse osmosis) and ultraviolet technologies, in addition to conventional water treatment processes. The water is potable and is consumed by humans, but is mostly used for industry requiring high purity water. (source: Wikipedia)


  1. symbolic it may be, my kids enjoy staying in the dark (wth room lighted with candles!)listening to me explaining about environmental issues....:)

  2. Earth Hour is just some silly excuse for Malaysian celebrities to manipulate the population to 'puja' them more and boost their stupid egos... one hour a year does NOT make any difference, considering the amount of waste these celebrities consume during their stupid concerts and shows and parties and over the top weddings, and their big bloody cars and other form of travel and the smoking and the drinking and the bitching... and them dumb magazines that write stupid stories about these celebrities, do you know how much paper they use, and does ANYBODY recycle these magazines..? How pathetic!! Earth Hour is really useless... Come one people!! Wake Up!!

  3. Great Idea on the recycling of ablution water...

  4. I'm not aware of the celebrities' involvement in the earth hour ...

    Why only Malaysian celebrities? Their numbers and extravagance is minute compared to those in the West. HK or even Indian subcontinent

  5. Apparently there is no environmental friendly way to recycle paper becos the used ink will end up polluting the waterways etc.

    We either have to eliminate the use of ink or paper altogether until and unless the cost and benefit of paper recycling is positive.
