Monday, March 30, 2009

Hisham says Let Teachers Join Politics

UMNO vice-president Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said teachers with degrees should be allowed to participate in politics so that their expertise could be utilised to make Umno stronger. He proposes that the Government allow Grade A teachers to participate in politics and hold positions.

My question to our education minister is – does this proposal applies only to UMNO/BN supporting teachers or does it apply to all teachers regardless of their political affiliation?

My guess is – it is OK for teachers (or any other civil servant for that matter) to support and be active in UMNO/BN but NOT OK for teachers to be actively involved in other parties. If they insist on doing so, they should expect their services to be terminated.

I stand corrected but I somehow feel I will be vindicated.

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