Friday, January 2, 2009

New year resolutions?

I hardly ever make any new year's resolutions. I never keep them so what's the point right? Nevertheless, I do have a new year wish list, not that it will come true but what the heck, I'll try my luck anyway.

For 2009, I wish:
  1. KL to be more pedestrian friendly;
  2. A reduction in retail petrol prices & highway toll rates;
  3. KL to improve its town planning, traffic management & public transportation;
  4. Liverpool to win the EPL & CL;
  5. Politicians to be more mature, sensible, responsible and accountable;
  6. world peace ...

But then again, there is a saying, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride ...

1 comment:

  1. All your wishes may just come true one day. perhaps not in 2009 but one day.. all except for the bit about liverpool FC though.. kuangkuangkuang
