Thursday, January 22, 2009

IBF #05 - Concepts Used in Islamic Trade (and Banking)

Some of the common contracts and concepts used to facilitate trade the Islamic way. These contracts are also used in Islamic banking and finance to facilitate financing transactions.


"Bai-Bithaman Ajil (BBA)"
Deferred payment sales. Where goods are sold on a deferred payment basis at a price which includes a profit agreed by both the buyer and seller.

"Bai Inah"
A buy and sell contract between two parties where one party sells his asset to the other (price is marked up, payment is deferred) and subsequently buys it back at the cost price paid on the spot. This is often considered a hilah to facilitate the transfer of money under the pretext of trading.

"Bai Salam"
A contract where payment is made spot while the goods are delivered at an agreed later date. A form of advance payment trade but the goods must already be in existence.

Voluntary, unilateral gift.

Transfer of debt.

Lease contract. A lessor (owner) leases out an asset or equipment to its client at an agreed rental fee and pre-determined lease period. The ownership of the leased asset remains in the hands of the lessor for the duration of the lease.

"Ijarah Muntahiah Bittamlik"
Lease and subsequent purchase. Muntahiah Bittamlik describes the transfer of the title of the leased asset to the lessee at the end of the lease tenure.

A contract to manufacture according to given specifications. The payment terms can either be spot, deferred or in instalments.

Guarantee or surety given by one party who agrees to discharge the liability of another party, as stipulated in the terms of the guarantee.

Profit sharing and loss absorbing agreement between two parties, one the capital provider (Rab-al-mal) and the other, the entrepreneur (mudahrib). The profit-sharing ratio is agreed upon upfront while losses are borne solely by the financier.

Cost plus sale where goods are sold at a profit and the profit margin is known to the buyer

Bargaining sale where the seller need not disclose the cost

Limited liability partnership. All partners share profits on a pre-agreed ratio but losses are shared on the basis of equity participation.

"Qardhul Hassan"
Interest-free loan or benevolent loan without a specified repayment terms or tenure.

Collateral. Where a valuable asset is placed as collateral for a debt, he collateral may be disposed in the event of default.

Currency exchange, i.e. buying and selling of foreign currencies.

Used in “Commodity Murabahah” transactions where an agent is appointed by the bank to purchase certain goods (usually metals other than gold and silver) which are sold to the customer at cost price with payment made spot. The customer then appoints the bank to sell the goods to another agent at a marked up price but payment is deferred.

Commission or fee charged for services rendered.

"Wadiah Yad Dhamanah"
Savings with guarantee. It refers to a contract between the owner of the funds (depositor) and the Bank for safe-keeping purposes and the bank, as trustee, guarantees the repayment of the whole amount of deposits, or any part thereof, upon request.

Agency contract. It refers to the appointment of an agent who is authorised to act according to the term of the agency.

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