Sunday, February 5, 2012

To Marry or Not To Marry – That is the Question

It is very easy to propose and it is probably even easier to be trapped into saying Yes. But how does one decide if the person is the Mr/Miss Right or Mr/Miss Right Now or Mr/Miss Right After a bad relationship?

I don’t think anyone should continue with a romantic relationship if;

1) Your partner insults you in front of your friends
If the person genuinely cares about your feelings, he/she will never insult you in public.

2) Your partner shouts at you in public
As above

3) They flirt openly in front of you
Shows disrespect, unless you condone it.

4) Your partner saying the L word before you’re ready to hear it
I personally hate to be rushed into anything; it makes me feel the whole thing is forced upon me.

5) He/She thought that dinosaurs were a conspiracy theory
I’m the type who normally fall for the brains first, no dumb blondes for me please.

6) The best news you could have is learning your partner has cheated on you or has to move away.
If this happens, it means you’re always looking for a way out.

7) Your friends and family warn you off
Your true friends and family are the ones who will stick with you through thick and thin. No matter how bad your family relationship is, blood is always thicker than water. Love is blind and sometimes we feel they are over-meddling in our affairs but friends and family will always be there for you when Mr/Miss formerly known as Right has gone wrong. They are also the ones who see what we refuse to see.

image 'borrowed' from Mark Anderson,

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