Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hassan Ali, Comical Ali?

Dubbed Comical Ali by some British newspapers, the Iraqi Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf has become a cult figure thanks to his wild claims and colourful language. With a grinning face and wild gesticulations, he is the man charged with giving the Iraqi side of the story.

It is unfair to call Hassan Ali Comical Ali because Ali is his father’s name. Maybe I’ll call him Comical bin Ali. The title is also suitable for another bin Ali, Ibrahim of Perkasa. But for today, I shall focus on bin Ali the former PAS VP, crusader, Muslim fighter and last but not least comedy king.

Depends on who you listen to or what you read, Hassan’s sacking from PAS is either due to him failing to adhere to the principles of  PR (according to PAS and PR) or Anwar’s directive (according to UMNO). His sacking however has brought to the forefront a spectacular show of stupidity, on his part.

I admit he was a successful motivator, he can make children cry running to their parents asking for forgiveness and he made quite a comfortable living out of motivating. His entrance into mainstream politics I must say stemmed from Anwar’s sacking and subsequent unjust treatment back in 1998. I wonder if Anwar is still an UMNO man and the current PM, would Hassan be active in PAS politics?

Anyway, his last act as a PAS member was to call the 901 gathering a waste of time or something to that effect. That was probably the straw that broke the camel’s back. Immediately after being sacked, Hassan went on a roadshow to ‘explain’ why he was sacked and to expose the evil deeds of PAS, PKR and DAP.

My question is; why bother going on a nationwide roadshow? Who does Hassan think he is? Even PAS members rejected him by not re-electing him as VP. He was relieved of his duties as Selangor PAS commissioner. He was not considered a key figure in PAS anymore. His fall was as fast has his rise and rightly so.

Hassan accused the Christian missionaries of trying to convert Muslims. I’m not supporting the missionaries’ actions but any missionary from any religion would do the same, Muslim missionaries included. Why can’t Hassan understand that is how the game is played? Instead of harping on their use of solar powered electronic bibles and impersonating a Muslim and pretending to pray at the masjid, why can’t Hassan work on strengthening the Islamic institutions? Why can’t Hassan spend more time finding out the problems faced by Muslims who are being targeted by these missionaries; namely the poor, destitute and old? Why can’t Hassan embark on an educating roadshow instead of running around conducting raids?

Hassan should know that defense is a good form of attack. Strengthen the Muslims faith by giving them support, aid, education, hope and more importantly a place to turn to when in need. We get generous funding from the government, we have numerous Islamic bodies both governmental and NGO; why can’t these well funded bodies ensure the welfare of Muslims and eliminate the possibility of them turning to others for help?

Missionaries do not cause apostasy; it is made easier by the Muslims who feel left out and discarded by their own brothers.

Not content with claiming Muslims are being converted into Christianity, Hassan’s latest war was against the Chinese of DAP. He now claims that if (when) PR takes over Putrajaya, DAP will merge Malaysia with Singapore, turn us into a republic and abolish Article 153 of the Federal Constitution. According to Hassan, DAP is all out to destroy the Malay race, its history and its Sultans.

My question is; why only now? Why didn’t Hassan QUIT PAS and make a police report on DAP’s evil plans? Is DAP so strong and dominant that it can dictate and demand we merge with Singapore? Let me remind Hassan and those stupid enough to believe him, DAP on their own cannot form the federal government. Does Hassan think Anwar is so weak to follow every single thing DAP say? DAP is not a threat to the Malays; UMNO is. UMNO is making the Malays weak; their constant handouts make Malays unable to tend for themselves. UMNO is guilty of creating the subsidy mentality amongst Malays. UMNO wants the Malays to be dependent on them. UMNO leaders are only interested in staying in power and making money, it has no interest in helping the Malays progress for progression leads to enlightment and enlightment in turn leads to abandonment of UMNO.

Hassan Ali thinks he is doing Malays and Muslims a favour with his ‘crusade’. Unfortunately his crusade will further divide the Malay and Muslims.

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