Thursday, May 12, 2011

Please Take Action Against Utusan

I’m disgusted with Utusan’s recent behaviour. They have been so brazen in inciting racial and religious hatred. If the peace and calm in the country is shattered, the party that should take most of the blame has to be Utusan. The recent report on DAP conspiring with Christian leaders wanting to take over Putrajaya and abolish Islam as the country’s official religion is short of being brainless. No, it is brainless! To top it all, it is based on some blog posting. I mean, didn’t they themselves (Utusan, BN leaders) remind us (dumb citzens) not to believe what the bloggers write? Now, their front page news is based on a blog! Stupid or what??!!

Let me stress again (to my 3 loyal, regular blog visitors), there is NO WAY DAP on their own can take over Putrajaya. There is no way DAP or the Christians for that matter can change the constitution on their own. The present electoral structure doesn’t allow the DAP to take over the country on their own. Therefore, the constantly under threat and weak Malays/Muslims (that’s how Perkasa and their ilk portrays us, makes us believe) can be rest assured that no one, let alone the DAP; can take our birth right away.

The thing about Utusan is; I’m guessing their readership is mainly the rural, low income, less informed, less educated masses. These people, not having the right tools and exposure to evaluate, tend to take whatever Utusan says as gospel. When their more educated and exposed children tell them that Utusan is so full of bull, they will bark at the kids and tell them not to be ungrateful because Utusan’s master (UMNO) made them what they are today. By the same logic, Dr Mahathir should thank the British for establishing that kolej in Alor Setar and that University in Singapore for making him a doctor. I agree; we all should be grateful to those who have given us whatever we have now but to what point?

Latest I heard, 9 police reports have been made against Utusan. I however doubt any action would be taken against them. In the mean time, let us not worry about non-issues. Let us instead focus our worries on rising food prices, crime levels, corruption, job security, education opportunities and health services and maybe, love.