Monday, May 2, 2011


Utusan is pressing for a 1Melayu movement to counter the threat of Chinese political dominance.
Perkasa is taking up the responsibility to spearhead the 1Melayu movement to counter the threat of the Chinese taking over the country.

The Chinese in question are (apparently) Malaysians too. As Malaysian as any Malay, Iban, Kadazan, Indian or Negrito. They are not Singaporean Chinese, or Chinese from China. They hold Malaysian passports and blue IC. Yet they are not supposed have political power. Strange!

No, I’m not a Chinese sympathiser or a Chinese political protagonist. I’m merely curious as to why Utusan and Perkasa are so insecure about Malay political power.

In case Ibrahim Ali and Awang Selamat are not aware, the is NO way DAP can form a government on its own. Even if all the Chinese and Indians vote for them. The way the parliamentary constituencies are drawn up, the Malay/Bumiputera majority seats outnumber the Chinese majority seats. Under I doubt the current PR structure will allow DAP to monopolise the Chinese majority seats, PKR will want some. Given these facts, how can the DAP take over the government on its own?

Other than Penang and Sabah , I’m guessing all other state constitutions will only allow a Malay to assume the Chief Minister-ship. It would be difficult for DAP to appoint a non-Malay MB even if they win most seats in those states. A case in point is Perak and Nizar Jamaluddin. Why wasn’t Utusan making noise when Gerakan was in ‘power’ in Penang ? I mean, why did Utusan stand aside and watch a Malaysian state being helmed by a Chinese?

To further allay Utusan and Perkasa’s fears of Chinese political dominance, let’s look at the current parliamentary seat spread.

MCA = 15
SUPP = 5
Gerakan = 2
LDP = 1
SAPP = 2
DAP = 29
Total seats = 222
Simplest majority = 112

Assuming all other Chinese based parties lose their seats to DAP, DAP will have 54 parliamentary seats. They will still be 58 short of a simple majority. Utusan and Perkasa should stop worrying and focus on better things.

I think the racist rhetoric spewed by Utusan is a dangerous phenomenon. Chinese absolute political power is a non-issue, it will not happen. Just like there will never be vegetarian tigers or stir-fried sushi …

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