Friday, November 12, 2010

Schooled Out

Owners or directors of colleges are not required to possess academic qualifications, but their teaching staff must have the necessary qualifications in their respective field of studies, said Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin.

As such, he said action would only be taken against Kolej Antarabangsa Fazley (FIC) if it was found to have breached the conditions stipulated by the ministry.

"Many people who have set up colleges do not have high academic qualifications because that is not required. What is required is that when you conduct the course, you have the teaching staff who are actually qualified," he told the press after launching the International Lifelong Learning Conference 2010, here today. (Bernama)

Apparently (Dr?) Fazley obtained his PhD from a bogus institution. Apparently he got straight As for his SPM. Three years ago or so, Fazley who was then a famous motivator decided to take a step further by setting up his own school. He even got the University of Wales to provide accreditation for his his programmes.

The Hon. Minister says owners or directors of learning institutions need not have high academic qualifications. I beg to differ. They need some qualification and SPM does not count. Bogus degrees don't count either.

Secondly, it's all about credibility. A restaurant owner (or co-owner) is expected to have some knowledge of food, either how to cook, prepare or at least buy. Someone who doesn't know the difference between kangkung and bayam should not dabble in the restaurant business. Similarly, the owner of a auto workshop must at least know the difference between a spark plug and wall plug. In the case of Fazley, I'm guessing his marketing tool is apart from his popularity, is his academic qualification.

Education is serious business, we shouldn't just let anyone open up a college; there must be some form of quality control and screening. The future of our nation depends on the quality of our present education and having 25 year old degree holders teach 20 year old undergraduate is not the way to go.

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