Thursday, February 5, 2009

Perak Saga

DPM Najib says BN has the majority to form a new Perak state government.

The BN must be so desparate for power. Do they actually believe a minority government supported by "friendly" independants can survive the rough and tumble of the State Assembly? Also, let's assume that the graft charges are not dropped and the two ex PKR assemblymen are convicted of corruption,* what will happen to the BN state government?

BN needs to restore their credibility and the rakyat's faith in them. I don't think it can be achieved by accepting party hoppers, especially those who are under trial for corruption. It is like saying "BN will work with anyone including those under investigation, just to gain power". BN once abhors party hopping but now thay are taking advantage of it. If BN wants to regain the people's support, they should put the money where their mouth is and challenge PR to another round of elections.

I hope the Sultan will agree on a snap election,** let the people of Perak decide again who they want as their government. The losers of that election should gracefully accept defeat, buck up and try again in 2012.

* IMHO this is highly unlikely.

** HRH Sultan of Perak decided that there was no need to call for a snap election (5 Feb 2009)

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