Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Back to the Darkside?

February 04, 2009 16:07 PM
Perak MB Announces State Assembly Dissolved, To Seek Palace Consent

IPOH, Feb 4 (Bernama) -- Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin today in a drastic and an unprecedented move announced an immediate dissolution of the state assembly following political uncertainty in the state. He told a press conference in Ipoh that he is seeking an audience with the Sultan of Perak to obtain his consent.-- BERNAMA

From - Newsflash (4:30pm): Behrang assemblyman Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi, Changkat Jering assemblyman Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu, DAP's Jelapang assemblyman and Perak state assembly deputy speaker Hee Yit Foong and Bota assemblyman Datuk Nasaruddin Hashim spotted at the office of Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

So it has come to this. apparently the Bota ADUN who joined PKR a few days ago is back in UMNO's fold. According to MStar, his wife said two unknown men came to pick him up and the next thing we know he's back in UMNO.

As an almost neutral, I'm disappointed at how things have turned out. I feel that if an assemblyman or MP is dissatisfied/disagrees with the government's policies, he/she should quit and if he/she still wishes to be in Parliament, seek re-election via the electoral process.* I am against party hopping, a party-hopper shows no integrity nor credibility and in my humble opinion, we do not need such people to represent us.
  • If it is true that the Bota assemblyman has rejoined UMNO, the question I ask is what made him?
  • Will the graft/corruption charges be dropped once the Behrang and Changkat Jering assemblymen hops over to UMNO?
  • Why did Tajol Rosli resign if he knew or at least expected this to happen?
  • If the Sultan consents to the dissolution of the State Assembly, will BN regain Perak? Or will they get a bigger thrashing?
* apparently once an elected representative resigns, he/she is barred from contesting for 5 years.

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