Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Now Everyone Can Email

All Malaysians over the age of 18 now has a 1Malaysia email account. The ‘big brother’ seems to be getting bigger eh? Apparently, this brilliant idea to give all adult Malaysians an email account came from a Pemandu lab session.

Before giving everyone an email account, the government should ensure everyone has decent access to the internet. What good is an email account for someone without access to a computer let alone the internet? The poor farmers and fishermen would prefer fertilisers and diesel subsidies over email accounts anytime. IT savvy young people, I presume, would prefer the tried and tested gmail, yahoomail or hotmail. Most of us working adults have corporate email accounts which often double as a personal email account. Why the need for another account, username and password?

The contract to set up the infra for this initiative (which supposedly will allow direct and secure communication between the citizens and the government); worth RM 50million was given to Tricubes, a company currently being monitored by Bursa Malaysia under GN3 for accounting irregularities [find out more] Why award the contract to a troubled ACE listed company? Was there a proper tender undertaken? Why RM50 million?

I think it’s a bloody waste of money; those email accounts will be filled with spam and Nigerian scams. The only beneficiaries are those sharing the RM50million contract. The rest of us?

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