Thursday, March 24, 2011

Show Us Your Money

I wrote about Roman’s riches [here] and how he was asked to declare his assets before contesting in the parliamentary elections. Malaysia should also compel aspiring wakil rakyats and YBs to disclose their wealth before being allowed to stand as a candidate.

When I go out to elect my wakil rakyat, I would very much like to know who he/she is, where he/she’s from, what is his/her credentials, education & professional background. I would also want to know his/her financial standing (including that of the immediate family) not because I want to be a busy body but to ensure that the wakil rakyat does not use or abuse his/her position to enrich themselves. There is nothing wrong with enriching one’s self (and family and friends) but the means must be ethical and fair.

Still on the political front, Sarawak has been in the headlines a lot lately. We have the Sarawak born sister in law of the former British PM, her Iban sidekick and a radio station going all out to expose Taib Mahmud’s shenanigans. Our efficient Home Minister efficiently called for Radio Free Sarawak to be efficiently investigated. Hisham the Home Minister said the investigation is "not about politics, it is about spreading malicious lies, the issue of unity and harmony among the races," (I got this from Bernama, verbatim). I suggest Hishamuddin (our Home Minister) applies the same argument on Utusan Malaysia which has been spreading whatever RFS is being accused of, for a very long time. That Hata Wahari guy can attest to that. Did the home minister ever think of finding out if the RFS “lies” are really lies?

Then we have Taib Mahmud’s soon to be former daughter in law demanding RM400 million as divorce settlement from Taib Mahmud’s son who is called Mahmud and has a son called Taib. She says she wants a divorce because she’s been beaten, abused and not given any nafkah batin since 2001. That’s 10 long years without sex! Damn! She also says she knows he’s worth double that. If Junior is worth almost a billion Malay bucks, I wonder how much T-daddy is worth.

Still on the political front … when is Mahathir going to shut up

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