Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Making Grown Men Cry

Real men cry. I cry. That means I'm a real man. Yeah right.

I will however admit that a few movies have made me cry. Not the sobbing uncontrollably cry but there were quite a number of movies that brought tears to my eyes. No, Titanic wasn't one of them. In fact, twelve and a half years after watching the movie, I still wonder why so many cried watching it.

The movies that made me tear doesn't seem to tally with the list one will find if one were to Google for movies that made men cry. Maybe I haven't watched enough movies or maybe I'm just plain weird. Most people who know me tend to agree with the latter assumption.

The first movie that made me tear was Terminator 2. Imagine trying to hold back the tears while watching the final scene where Arnie slowly disappeared into the molten lead acid (or whatever it is).

Another movie that made me cry is also best remembered for its catchy dialogues. "Show me the money" didn't make me cry but "you had me at hello" did. It made the whole room cry. That Liv Tyler - Bruce Willis - Ben Afflect scene in Armegeddon ... don't tell me you didn't cry because I sure did.

I recently watched 3 Idiots and teared. When it comes to making people cry, nobody does it better than Bollywood. Remember Kuch Kuch Hota Hai

The new Karate Kid is another movie that brought tears to my eyes. So did Transformers 2. And Toy Story 3Jumanji had that tear effect on me too. Yes, JUMANJI! Told you I'm weird.


  1. Watch Hachiko, you'll cry buckets :(
    Btw, Armageddon, Karate Kid, Jumanji and Terminator brought you to tears...acceptable, but Transformers?

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    I've not had a comment for the longest time! Thanks!

    Transformers 2 - Optimus died! How can you not cry when Optimus Prime died :,(

    Thanks for the suggestion, will look the movie up.

  3. hehehehe, I didn't watch Transformers so cant say. But I cried loads for Herby :(, does that count?
    I'm a movie fanatic, i mean not Hollywood movies, but some foreign arts movies. will share some good stories with you from time to time, so that you can cry buckets..hehehe

  4. Who is Herby? Isn't he that car?
