Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Will the Real Ibrahim Ali Stand Up?

Ibrahim Ali is known by many names, the most popular being "frog" after his habit of constantly switching political parties at every election. His latest gimmick is "Perkasa", an NGO promoting and pushing for the protection of Malay rights. As if the Malays are not protected (and pampered) enough. According to Ibrahim and Perkasa, Malays are the rightful race of this land and therefore have the rights to 2/3 of the wealth in this country, regardless of whether they worked for it or not. Basically, Ibrahim says, "I'm a Malay so give me two thirds of your money because I allowed you (the other races) to stay here." Ibrahim says the Malays must be allowed to go to university even if they don't qualify, as long as 2/3 of the university population is Malay. Ibrahim says if UMNO doesn't protect and preserve the policies that makes Malays dependant on handouts, they (UMNO) will face the wrath of PERKASA. Basically if UMNO doesn't do as Perkasa says, it will be perkosa-ed by Perkasa.

By now, it is clear that this Ibrahim Ali guy is an ultra Malay racist. But surprisingly, in the upcoming Hulu Selangor by election, he is rooting for an Indian candidate in a Malay majority constituency. So I ask, where is your Malaya for Malays, Malays comes first, Malays own this land rhetoric? How could Ibrahim Ali after all that Perkasa bullshit support an Indian candidate in a Malay majority constituency?

Seriously, who are you Ibrahim?

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