Monday, May 11, 2009

Political Maturity

I like what James Chin said in his article in the Malaysian Insider:

"It is time that we moved up the ladder in terms of our political development. We should not allow history to shackle us and hold us back. Just because a minority prefers Malaysia to remain a banana republic does not mean that all of us must behave like monkeys. We must learn to agree to disagree. We must learn that a difference in political opinions does not lead to chaos and emergency rule. We must learn that dissent has a place in a modern democratic nation. We must learn that the rule of law is the best guarantee for the nation’s future."

Maybe we should make that like a pledge and get all our lawmakers recite it every morning!

1 comment:

  1. Yarp! I don't argue, I have discussions! And I don't win all the time Muahaha!
