Friday, March 12, 2010

English 101

A colleague sent me this ... the quality of English is just so *******

Aussie MP's? MP's? sheesh

Yes, it is Australian practice to interfere with Australian courts!!!

These people are so memalukan!!

Living in Dangerous Times – commenting on a comment

My earlier posting was not anti-UMNO propaganda. It was neither an anti-Malay tirade. What I was trying to highlight was the insensitiveness of our politicians. Questions were asked on why I highlighted those few statements and my answer is to show the mentality of the people leading/running our country.

Of course in this age of freedom of speech and unlimited rights, anyone is free to say anything, but any sensible person would think of the consequence of their words (ok, fine, I’m not sensible, I’ll try harder next time!) before opening their mouths (or typing on the keyboard).

I’m guessing that when they said what they said, selfishness and ego controlled their thoughts. Driven by these factors they failed to see the bigger picture and worse, they failed to be rational or reasonable. They forgot the fact that we live in a country built on different cultures, religions and differing opinions on life in general. We should accord each other respect and tolerance. In any case, no one race has absolute rights on any land. And the principle of justice and equity states that everyone should have equal rights. That is only fair.

Apartheid was built on racial superiority. The Nazi philosophy was one based on racial supremacy. We don’t want to go down that road. All humans are created equal.

FYI, the Malay rights champion Ibrahim Ali was once a director in one of Vincent Tan’s listed companies. Ibrahim’s take on that – “so what if I do business with the Chinese?” (read it here)  I just don’t get this guy!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Living in Dangerous Times

Criminals don’t make the country unsafe. Stupid Politicians do.

Consider these statements:

Malay Nationalist Group Perkasa, lead by Ibrahim Ali warns that the Chinese community will use the next general election to take over the country. This prediction was made by an idiot by the name Dr. Zubir Harun and the “good” doctor is also worried that the New Economic model will have a Chinese agenda.

Second finance Minister Ahmad Husni apparently said at a function in Penang that if the Chinese bully us, we will fight them back.

Anuar Shaari told 100 or so supporters at an UMNO Youth gathering in Wangsa Maju that “how can the Malays be equal to Chinese”. This Anuar Shaari guy even admitted that they are going all out to smear Anwar Ibrahim and PR.

At the rate the UMNO politicians are going, they will destroy Malaysia in no time.

Stop them before they do.