Friday, April 6, 2012

Najib vs Anwar

This is an attempt to gauge the popularity of the two leading men of the two coalitions. It is however based on my limited knowledge but more importantly has a lot of bearing on my political leanings.

(1) Crowd pulling ability
This is Anwar’s territory. I noticed his presence is greeted with large crowds while Najib’s crowd has often been accused of being paid seat-fillers. Anwar is able to attract crowds not only because of his charisma but also because the BN media gives him too much exposure. When people see him in the mainstream newspapers being accused of something (usually sex-related) and because the reports of mostly one sided, his ceramahs are the only places to get his side of the story hence it is the curiosity effect which brings the crowd.
Anwar – 1; Najib – 0.

(2) Oratory skills
No argument about Anwar’s ability here. Najib can talk but will never be as good as Anwar.
Anwar – 2; Najib – 0.

(3) Spouse
Wan Azizah is seen as a woman victimised by the ruling government. She is also a professional who even if not married to anyone influential, would be able to stand on her two feet without assistance. She raised a family of young children alone while her husband was locked up. She stood by her man throughout his ordeal. I’m sure even some Wanita UMNO people sympathise and/or admire her.  
Rosmah on the other hand is probably hated by lots of wanita UMNO members. She is more famous for her alleged extravagant shopping sprees, diamond rings, birkin handbags and lavish engagement parties.  She has also been accused of so many things …
Anwar – 3; Najib – 0.

(4) Policies
Najib’s policy is mostly PR exercises by highly paid media consultants. His other policy is to give money to everbody. Anwar cannot make any policies unless agreed by all component parties of PR, therefore his policies is seen as a collective stand rather than his alone. This is the opposite of BN’s policies where UMNO decides and the other dozen parties follow.
Anwar – 4; Najib – 0.

(5) Scandals (Alleged, innocent until proven guilty)
Najib – Scorpene kickbacks (corruption), Altantuya (murder), Ziana (sexual), NFC (abetting/allowing CBT).
Anwar – sex, sex, sex; homo and hetero.
Between the two, I think the public is getting tired of Anwar’s scandals. One of Najib’s alleged wrongdoings is being investigated by the French prosecutors.
Anwar – 5; Najib – 0.
(Point given for the ‘less scandalous’)

(6) Internal Support
Muhyiddin is said to be ever ready to challenge Najib. Dr M can go against Najib whenever he wants. Dato’ Arif Sabri, an office bearer in Najib’s division attacked him constantly. Najib has no guts to reprimand Shahrizat because it may lead to his own downfall. Conclusion: Najib’s position within his own party/coalition is very shaky.
Anwar has the support of Hadi, Lim Guan Eng, Lim Kit Siang, Nik Aziz. Camaraderie is seen to be very strong in PR.
Anwar – 6; Najib – 0.

I better stop before it gets to double figures.

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