Tuesday, April 24, 2012


ABAI apparently stands for Asal Bukan Anwar Ibrahim. I saw it spray painted under a flyover near the Masjid Negeri roundabout in Shah Alam.
TIBAI stands for Tolak Insan Bernama Anwar Ibrahim - a recently launched initiative by Ibrahim Ali and a whole bunch of idiots.
ABU is Asalkan Bukan UMNO.

The first two are war cries of the currently ruling party. If anyone hasn't noticed, it is targeted at one man - Anwar Ibrahim. 

The last one is a call to end tyranny. It is directed towards the whole party, UMNO.

Notice how scared UMNO/BN is with Anwar Ibrahim? And notice how UMNO is hated by lots of people?

The only people than can TIBAI is the voters in Permatang Pauh, or where ever Anwar is contesting. TIBAI doesn't say Tolak PKR, PAS or DAP; it doesn't say Tolak Guan Eng or Hadi. So what if everyone rejects Anwar? It would mean nothing if PKR, DAP and PAS wins 80-90 percent of the seats they contest in. 

Anyway, anything that comes from Ibrahim Ali (and Hassan Ali, Zul Noordin) are sure to be idiotic so it's still ABU for me.

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